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News & Notes

News & Notes

2020 Issue 3

On 28 February 2020, MSG Dan Hopkins and members of the 82d Airborne Division OSJA gathered to congratulate the most recent All-American graduates of the Fort Bragg Noncommissioned Officers Academy Basic Leader’s Course. The graduates (pictured center left to right) are SPC(P) Jacob Strickland of HHBn, 82d ABN DIV and SPC(P) Tiffany Medina of 82d ABN DIV Combat Aviation Brigade. (Not pictured: CPL(P) Jordan Reyes of 3d BCT, 82d ABN DIV

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SPC David Willey congratulates SPC Mark Halstead on a job well done upon the completion of SPC Halstead’s Basic Leader Course graduation ceremony. SPC Halstead exceeded the standard and successfully graduated on the Commandant’s list.

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On 21 February 2020, the USARAF/SETAF OSJA completed their first Villa La Rotunda run. The Rotunda (in the background) was completed in 1592 and was designed by Andria Palladio, the architect whose designs were part of the inspiration for Thomas Jefferson when he was building Monticello just outside our beloved Charlottesville.

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Members of the III Corps Military Justice Team attend an ACCA Outreach Oral Argument at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas (from left to right: LTC Shaun Lister, CPTs Callin Kerr, Cadman Kiker, Jason Otano, Emily Ervin, and Erik Thomas, and 1LT Connor Kohlscheen).

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CDR Jonathan Shumate and MAJ Vo-Laria Brooks, both from CLAMO, served as panel members for a discussion entitled, “Use of the Military in Disaster Relief Operations” at the University of North Carolina School of Law’s Festival of Legal Learning. Joining CDR Shumate and MAJ Brooks are LTC (Ret.) John Brooker and Dean Martin Brinkley, UNC School of Law.

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Members of the XVIII Airborne OSJA prepare for a jump. From left to right: CW3 Chris Penfield, LTC Nagy Chelluri, LTC Chris Ford, SGM Anthony Couch, SPC Nicolas Rodriguez, CPT Trevor Harris, CPT Rob Jones, CPT Jacqueline Coplen.

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On 12 February 2020, SGT(P) Luis Arias was recognized as the 15th Signal Brigade, Cyber Center of Excellence’s NCO of the Quarter. He competed amongst NCOs in the rank of sergeant through sergeant first class. SGT Arias will compete for the NCO of the Year title later this year. Great job representing yourself, the Fort Gordon OSJA, and the JAG Corps.

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The JAG Corps was once again well-represented at the annual Army-Navy Hockey game played at Capital One Arena in Washington, DC. From left to right: CPT Marc Emond (Government Appellate Division, USALSA), CPT Alex Boettcher (Fort Belvoir OSJA), MAJ Jack Einhorn (Defense Appellate Division, USALSA), SSG Michael Crocker (151st LOD), and COL (Ret.) Mike Mulligan. In a fairly physical matchup, all attorneys and paralegals escaped the game with no black eyes or lost teeth, and there were only two penalties attributed to the group. Surprising to no one who knows him, both penalties (roughing, goaltender interference) were simultaneously given to CPT Boettcher.

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Photo 1
On 28 February 2020, MSG Dan Hopkins and members of the 82d Airborne Division OSJA gathered to congratulate the most recent All-American graduates of the Fort Bragg Noncommissioned Officers Academy Basic Leader’s Course. The graduates (pictured center left to right) are SPC(P) Jacob Strickland of HHBn, 82d ABN DIV and SPC(P) Tiffany Medina of 82d ABN DIV Combat Aviation Brigade. (Not pictured: CPL(P) Jordan Reyes of 3d BCT, 82d ABN DIV

Photo 2
SPC David Willey congratulates SPC Mark Halstead on a job well done upon the completion of SPC Halstead’s Basic Leader Course graduation ceremony. SPC Halstead exceeded the standard and successfully graduated on the Commandant’s list.

Photo 3
On 21 February 2020, the USARAF/SETAF OSJA completed their first Villa La Rotunda run. The Rotunda (in the background) was completed in 1592 and was designed by Andria Palladio, the architect whose designs were part of the inspiration for Thomas Jefferson when he was building Monticello just outside our beloved Charlottesville.

Photo 4
Members of the III Corps Military Justice Team attend an ACCA Outreach Oral Argument at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas (from left to right: LTC Shaun Lister, CPTs Callin Kerr, Cadman Kiker, Jason Otano, Emily Ervin, and Erik Thomas, and 1LT Connor Kohlscheen).

Photo 5
CDR Jonathan Shumate and MAJ Vo-Laria Brooks, both from CLAMO, served as panel members for a discussion entitled, “Use of the Military in Disaster Relief Operations” at the University of North Carolina School of Law’s Festival of Legal Learning. Joining CDR Shumate and MAJ Brooks are LTC (Ret.) John Brooker and Dean Martin Brinkley, UNC School of Law.

Photo 6
Members of the XVIII Airborne OSJA prepare for a jump. From left to right: CW3 Chris Penfield, LTC Nagy Chelluri, LTC Chris Ford, SGM Anthony Couch, SPC Nicolas Rodriguez, CPT Trevor Harris, CPT Rob Jones, CPT Jacqueline Coplen.

Photo 7
On 12 February 2020, SGT(P) Luis Arias was recognized as the 15th Signal Brigade, Cyber Center of Excellence’s NCO of the Quarter. He competed amongst NCOs in the rank of sergeant through sergeant first class. SGT Arias will compete for the NCO of the Year title later this year. Great job representing yourself, the Fort Gordon OSJA, and the JAG Corps.

Photo 8
The JAG Corps was once again well-represented at the annual Army-Navy Hockey game played at Capital One Arena in Washington, DC. From left to right: CPT Marc Emond (Government Appellate Division, USALSA), CPT Alex Boettcher (Fort Belvoir OSJA), MAJ Jack Einhorn (Defense Appellate Division, USALSA), SSG Michael Crocker (151st LOD), and COL (Ret.) Mike Mulligan. In a fairly physical matchup, all attorneys and paralegals escaped the game with no black eyes or lost teeth, and there were only two penalties attributed to the group. Surprising to no one who knows him, both penalties (roughing, goaltender interference) were simultaneously given to CPT Boettcher.