The Criminal Law Department teaches core courses and advanced criminal law electives to mid-career judge advocates who are pursuing an LL.M. in Military Law. The department also offers an LL.M. in Military Law with a Criminal Law sub-specialty to those who satisfy department criteria based on credit hours awarded and graded achievement within the department. The department also oversees all Court Reporter courses.
The department provides criminal law instruction required for the certification of military judges, trial counsel (prosecutors), defense counsel, special victim counsel (attorneys who represent victims of sexual offenses), and new judge advocates. Additionally, the department provides criminal law and leadership short-course instruction to military justice managers, Reserve Component judge advocates, and non-legal officers and noncommissioned officers in command and leadership positions. The department also provides support to non-resident off-site instruction.
The department provides instruction in diverse subjects such as evidence, crimes and defenses, self-incrimination, sixth amendment, discovery, jurisdiction, mental responsibility, pretrial procedure, pretrial restraint and speedy trial, search and seizure, capital litigation, pleas and pretrial agreements, sentencing, unlawful command influence, professional responsibility, and post-trial procedures and appeals. All criminal law professors have extensive criminal law backgrounds and have served in diverse criminal law assignments world-wide.
The short-courses listed below are offered to uniformed personnel by invitation only. The course listing includes Court Reporter courses. Those interested in attending a short-course should contact the department administrator within the TJAGLCS directory.

* Any links to private organizations are provided for
information only and do not constitute endorsement by
TJAGLCS, the Department of the Army, or the Department of
Criminal Law courses are listed below. For more information, contact
Ms. Melissa Gupton.
Military Justice Leaders | ATRRS: 5F-F31M
Military Judge | ATRRS: 5F-F33
Military Justice Advisor | ATRRS: 5F-F32
Intermediate Trial Advocacy | ATRRS: 5F-F34
Special Victims' Counsel | ATRRS: 5F-F35S
Special Victim Counsel and Special Victim Counsel - Child Victim & Domestic Violence | ATRRS: 5F-F35C
Basic Court Reporter | ATRRS: 512-27DC5
Advanced Court Reporter | ATRRS: 512-27DC7