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Pursuant to MILPER Message issued 4 Jun 2024, the SOLO Course will undergo major changes in FY25:

  1. Brigade and Battalion CSMs will be able to attend the SOLO with the Commanders
  2. The SOLO will diverge into two separate Courses:
    1. Brigade-oriented course for Brigade Commanders and Brigade CSMs.
    2. Pilot Battalion Commander and Battalion CSM course will start with four (4) classes in FY 25. Battalion Commanders and Battalion CSMs will no longer attend the Brigade-oriented course.
  3. See below dropdowns for more information.

Brigade SOLO ATRRS 5F-F1 FY25. 4.5 days.


This course is for select or current brigade commanders and command sergeants major. It educates and updates attendees with the legal responsibilities and issues commonly faced by command teams for installations, brigades and similar sized organizations, and those assuming special court-martial convening authority. Administrative and civil law topics include labor-management relations; law of federal employment; equal employment opportunity; adverse administrative actions; administrative investigations; legal assistance; retirement considerations and survivor benefits; administrative remedies; family law; consumer law; medical disability separations and veterans benefits; command authority; transgender policy; government information practices; standards of conduct; and handling of sexual harassment complaints. Criminal law topics include an overview of the military justice system, search and seizure, nonjudicial punishment, unlawful command influence, improper senior-subordinate relationships and fraternization; sentencing and corrections, digital media and the law; and the Sexual Assault Prevention & Response program. The instruction emphasizes the options and responsibilities of convening authorities before and after trial in military justice matters, including theories and effects of sentencing. International and operational law topics include responsibilities of command and staff under the law of war and national implementing policy, rules of engagement, international agreements, cyber law, and international human rights law. Contract and fiscal law topics include an overview of fiscal law with an emphasis on current issues affecting commanders; contract law; procurement fraud; and funding issues for military operations.


Army officers and NCOs assigned or pending assignment as brigade, or equivalent level commanders and command sergeants major. Completion of SOLO at the battalion level is not currently required for this course.

ATTENDEES:Pursuant to HQDA EXORD 065-17, all O6 level Commanders (CSL) (Brigade, Group, Garrison), Active Component O6 AMEDD Commanders (nominatively selected), and officers selected for Battalion Commands where they exercise Special Court-Martial Convening Authority (SPCMCA) MUST attend this training before they assume command.

ACTIVE COMPONENT OFFICERSsubject to the mandatory attendance will attend in MTSA-funded Army seats controlled by HRC. Contact your branch manager to obtain a quota.

COMPO 2 and 3 officers selected for Brigade / Group / Garrison command and officers selected for Battalion Commands where they exercise Special Court-martial Convening Authority MUST attend prior to assuming command. Contact your respective COMPO office that schedules your PCC attendance to obtain a quota.

Space - Available attendance is no longer offered for this course after FY24.

Battalion SOLO ATRRS 5F-F4 PILOT FY25. 4.5 days.


This pilot program course is for select or current battalion commanders and command sergeants major, as designated for participation by HRC. It educates and updates attendees with the legal responsibilities and issues commonly faced by battalion command teams. Administrative and civil law topics include labor-management relations; law of federal employment; equal employment opportunity; adverse administrative actions; administrative investigations; legal assistance; retirement considerations and survivor benefits; administrative remedies; family law; consumer law; medical disability separations and veterans benefits; command authority; transgender policy; government information practices; standards of conduct; and handling of sexual harassment complaints. Criminal law topics include an overview of the military justice system, search and seizure, nonjudicial punishment, unlawful command influence, improper senior-subordinate relationships and fraternization; sentencing and corrections, digital media and the law; and the Sexual Assault Prevention & Response program. The instruction emphasizes the options and responsibilities of convening authorities and commander teams before and after trial in military justice matters, including theories and effects of sentencing. International and operational law topics include responsibilities of command and staff under the law of war and national implementing policy, rules of engagement, international agreements, cyber law, and international human rights law. Contract and fiscal law topics include an overview of fiscal law with an emphasis on current issues affecting commanders; contract law; procurement fraud; and funding issues for military operations.


Army officers and NCOs assigned or pending assignment as battalion commanders and command sergeants major.


ACTIVE COMPONENT OFFICERS selected for attendance will attend in MTSA-funded Army seats controlled by HRC.

COMPO 2 and 3 officers selected for Brigade / Group / Garrison command and officers selected for Battalion Commands where they exercise Special Court-martial Convening Authority MUST attend prior to assuming command. Contact your respective COMPO office that schedules your PCC attendance to obtain a quota.

Space - Available attendance previously coordinated through the Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (office of the Registrar) is no longer offered for this course.

MILPER Message: Announcement of the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Expanded Eligibility for Senior Officer Legal Orientation Pilot ...Issued: [04 Jun 2024]...

  1. AR 350-1 (Army Training and Leader Development), 10 December 2017.
  2. TR 350-70 (Army Learning Policy and Systems), 10 July 2017.
  3. Institutional Training-Temporary Duty (IT-TDY) Funds Management User Guide, DCS G3/5/7, 3 March 2021.
  1. This message will expire 30 September 2025.
  2. This message announces the expansion of the Senior Officer Legal Orientation (SOLO) program at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) in Charlottesville, Virginia with the implementation of the FY25 SOLO Expansion Pilot Program. The Training General Officer Steering Committee approved this initiative, which increases the training load to 600 seats and expands the scope of eligibility to attend the brigade SOLO course and battalion SOLO pilot course. The Brigade SOLO course (5F-F1) is modified to include Regular Army (COMPO 1) brigade Command Sergeants Major (CSMs) and CSMs of battalion commanders with Special Court-Martial Convening Authority (SPCMCA). The new Battalion SOLO pilot course (5F-F4 PILOT) will be available for battalion commanders without SPCMCA and the battalion CSMs supporting those battalion commanders without SPCMCA. Additionally, SOLO eligibility is expanded to:
    1. Regular Army (COMPO 1) battalion commanders assuming command and Regular Army CSMs assuming responsibility in FY25 attend the Battalion SOLO pilot course (5F-F4 PILOT).
    2. Regular Army (COMPO 1) brigade CSMs assuming responsibility in FY25 may attend the Brigade SOLO course (5F-F1).
    3. Reserve Component (Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve) battalion commanders selected to command AGR battalions may attend the Battalion SOLO pilot course (5F-F4 PILOT).
  3. Regular Army (COMPO 1) brigade commanders continue to attend the Brigade SOLO course, under the provision (UP) of paragraph 3-41b(3)(d) of reference A. The pilot program will add seats for Regular Army (COMPO 1) brigade CSM-select noncommissioned officers. Officers on the Battalion Command Select List (CSL), who will have Special Courts-martial Convening Authority (SPCMCA) in their command, will also continue to attend the Brigade SOLO UP current policy in reference A.
  4. Regular Army (COMPO 1) officers on the Battalion CSL, who will not have SPCMCA in their command, and Regular Army Battalion CSM-select noncommissioned officers may attend the Battalion SOLO pilot course up to the limits of the seats allocated to each class. Limited seats will be available to Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Battalion Commanders in the Reserve Components. Seats are available on a first come, first served basis.
  5. All Regular Army (COMPO 1) officers on the Battalion Commander CSL must be scheduled to attend all other phases or have completed all other phases of the Pre-command Course prior to enrolling in the Battalion SOLO pilot course.
  6. Procedures.
    1. Regular Army officers on the Brigade and Battalion (with SPCMCA) CSL will schedule their required SOLO course attendance through the Command Officer Management Office and their Branch Managers.
    2. All other Regular Army (COMPO 1) battalion commanders and Reserve Component AGR battalion commanders will schedule their Battalion SOLO pilot course attendance through their HRC Career Manager.
    3. Regular Army (COMPO 1) brigade CSMs will schedule their Brigade SOLO course attendance through the Sergeant's Major Management Division. Regular Army (COMPO 1) battalion CSMs will schedule their attendance in the Battalion SOLO pilot course through their HRC Career Managers.
  7. Funding. Funding for student attendance at Brigade SOLO course and Battalion SOLO pilot course will be in accordance with reference C, page 7 (Pre-command Courses).
  8. Schedules.
    1. Brigade SOLO course classes (ATRRS Course 5F-F1, School 181) for FY 25 are scheduled as follows:
      1. 298th BDE SOLO 21-25 Oct 2024
      2. 299th BDE SOLO 6-10 Jan 2025
      3. 300th BDE SOLO 3-7 Mar 2025
      4. 301st BDE SOLO 5-9 May 2025
      5. 302nd BDE SOLO 9-13 Jun 2025
      6. 303rd BDE SOLO 14-18 Jul 2025
      7. 304th BDE SOLO 25-29 Aug 2025
    2. Battalion SOLO course pilot classes (ATRRS Course 5F-F4 PILOT) for FY 25 are scheduled as follows:
      1. 1st BN SOLO 3-7 Feb 2025
      2. 2nd BN SOLO 24-28 Mar 2025
      3. 3rd BN SOLO 7-11 Apr 2025
      4. 4th BN SOLO 20-23 May 2025 (note this course starts on a Tuesday and runs all day on Friday)
  9. Points of Contact for this MILPER at TJAGLCS are Maurice A. Lescault, Jr., Associate Dean for Academics; and Mr. Don Dudley, Registrar. Please send all inquiries to, and

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q1. How do I get enrolled in the Course?
    1. Bde Cdrs coordinate attendance with your Branch Manager
    2. Bn Cdrs you must contact their Career Manager at HRC for enrollment.
    3. Bde CSMs you must contact SLD.
    4. Bn CSMs must contact their Career Managers.
  2. Q2. Where is the course conducted?
    The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, 600 Massie Road Charlottesville, VA 22903
  3. Q3. Does the school have Lodging and Mess Facilities?
    Only extremely limited lodging during most of the year due to Officer Basic Course classes. Our lodging office issues statements of non-availability and can be reached at 434-972-6450. There are no mess facilities at the school.
  4. Q4. When do students typically receive course welcome info?
    40 to 30 days prior to the course start date.
  5. Q5. What uniform is needed?
  6. Q6. What are the course start and end times?
    Courses start with in-processing on Mondays at 0730. The course ends at noon Friday.