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News & Notes

News & Notes

2020 Issue 5

The newest noncomissioned officer in the JAG Corps, SGT Steven Bernard, is pinned (safely) by his friend, Emilio. SGT Bernard was promoted on 21 August at the U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command headquarters in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Photo 1

Members of team 350th CACOM OCJA briefly remove their masks, while maintaining social distance, to wish LTC Mark Milhiser a safe departure from Pensacola, Florida, and arrival at the Pentagon. Outgoing CJA, LTC Milhiser poses with the much coveted, and well-earned, 350th CACOM paddle. He is accompanied in the photo by SSG Jacqueline Reyes (left) and MAJ Chris Kinslow (right).

Photo 2

The 2d Armored Brigade Combat Team “Black Jack” celebrated its 103d birthday on 29 August 2020. This birthday bash was more special due to the fact that two of its Soldiers had just won the 1st Calvary Division Paralegal Soldier and NCO Boards. Both SPC Barragan and SGT Moton received a coin from the Brigade CSM and were able to cut the cake. Pictured from left to right: SGT Mojet (Paralegal NCO), SPC Barragan (Paralegal SPC), SGT Moton (Paralegal NCO), 1LT Smith (Admin Law/NSL), SFC Graves (Senior Paralegal NCO); front: MAJ Herriford (Brigade Judge Advocate).

Photo 3

On 28 August 2020, the USAACE & Fort Rucker OSJA enjoyed a morning of off-post PT at Johnny Henderson Family Park in Enterprise, Alabama. Soldiers had the choice to either run or ruck the outer loop of the park. Pictured post workout from left to right: SSG Kevin Wise, SGT Nicholas Babel, PFC Nykeria Hill, CW2 Melanie Sellars, SPC Patrick Wilson, MAJ Michael Lovelace, SPC Louis “Please Remove Me From This Distro” Dupree, LTC Colin Cusack, SPC Ian Tiedje, CPT Joseph Ragukonis, CPT Andrew Cain, CPT Richard Brantley, and 1LT Weili Weng

Photo 4

MSG Shakaylor S. McDaniel, Chief Paralegal NCO, and LTC Sean M. Connolly, SJA, 412th Theater Engineer Command, are consulting the new FM 1-04, Legal Support to Operations, and the 2020 Op Law Handbook while conducting MDMP during Operation Castle Rock at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Photo 5

MAJ Justin R. Wegner, Brigade Judge Advocate, 2BCT, 1st Infantry Division, USFK Korea, and CPT Michael W. Leach, Deputy Brigade Judge Advocate, 658th Regional Support Group, 9th Mission Support Command, emerge from 15 days of isolation in quarantine barracks, an experience they shared with two other barracks-mates on Camp Humphreys, South Korea. MAJ Wegner will serve in Korea on a rotation with the 1st Infantry Division while CPT Leach will perform operational support and military justice duties on Camp Humphreys for the 658th Regional Support Group.

Photo 6

1LT Heather McFarlain represented USAREC HQ OSJA in the historic USAREC Re-Patching Ceremony after 48 years of wearing the original patch design, which was approved on 6 December 1972. Pictured from left to right: Major General Kevin Vereen, 1LT Heather McFarlain, CSM John Foley.

Photo 7

COL Judy Boyd, Commander of the 13th Legal Operations Detachment-Expert, focuses on the trail ahead as she goes on to successfully (and safely) compete in the 2020 Maxxis Eastern States Cup Intense Downhill Race at Powder Ridge, Connecticut.

Photo 8

Congratulations to CPT Jules Szanton! Jules was recently sworn in as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney by the Western District of Kentucky U.S. Attorney Russell Coleman. With this special trust and responsibility, CPT Szanton will now exercise Article III jurisdiction over Soldiers, Civilians, and visitors on Fort Knox, assisting USACC and Fort Knox in furthering respect for and adherence to the rule of law.

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Photo 1
The newest noncomissioned officer in the JAG Corps, SGT Steven Bernard, is pinned (safely) by his friend, Emilio. SGT Bernard was promoted on 21 August at the U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command headquarters in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Photo 2
Members of team 350th CACOM OCJA briefly remove their masks, while maintaining social distance, to wish LTC Mark Milhiser a safe departure from Pensacola, Florida, and arrival at the Pentagon. Outgoing CJA, LTC Milhiser poses with the much coveted, and well-earned, 350th CACOM paddle. He is accompanied in the photo by SSG Jacqueline Reyes (left) and MAJ Chris Kinslow (right).

Photo 3
The 2d Armored Brigade Combat Team “Black Jack” celebrated its 103d birthday on 29 August 2020. This birthday bash was more special due to the fact that two of its Soldiers had just won the 1st Calvary Division Paralegal Soldier and NCO Boards. Both SPC Barragan and SGT Moton received a coin from the Brigade CSM and were able to cut the cake. Pictured from left to right: SGT Mojet (Paralegal NCO), SPC Barragan (Paralegal SPC), SGT Moton (Paralegal NCO), 1LT Smith (Admin Law/NSL), SFC Graves (Senior Paralegal NCO); front: MAJ Herriford (Brigade Judge Advocate).

Photo 4
On 28 August 2020, the USAACE & Fort Rucker OSJA enjoyed a morning of off-post PT at Johnny Henderson Family Park in Enterprise, Alabama. Soldiers had the choice to either run or ruck the outer loop of the park. Pictured post workout from left to right: SSG Kevin Wise, SGT Nicholas Babel, PFC Nykeria Hill, CW2 Melanie Sellars, SPC Patrick Wilson, MAJ Michael Lovelace, SPC Louis “Please Remove Me From This Distro” Dupree, LTC Colin Cusack, SPC Ian Tiedje, CPT Joseph Ragukonis, CPT Andrew Cain, CPT Richard Brantley, and 1LT Weili Weng

Photo 5
MSG Shakaylor S. McDaniel, Chief Paralegal NCO, and LTC Sean M. Connolly, SJA, 412th Theater Engineer Command, are consulting the new FM 1-04, Legal Support to Operations, and the 2020 Op Law Handbook while conducting MDMP during Operation Castle Rock at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Photo 6
MAJ Justin R. Wegner, Brigade Judge Advocate, 2BCT, 1st Infantry Division, USFK Korea, and CPT Michael W. Leach, Deputy Brigade Judge Advocate, 658th Regional Support Group, 9th Mission Support Command, emerge from 15 days of isolation in quarantine barracks, an experience they shared with two other barracks-mates on Camp Humphreys, South Korea. MAJ Wegner will serve in Korea on a rotation with the 1st Infantry Division while CPT Leach will perform operational support and military justice duties on Camp Humphreys for the 658th Regional Support Group.

Photo 7
1LT Heather McFarlain represented USAREC HQ OSJA in the historic USAREC Re-Patching Ceremony after 48 years of wearing the original patch design, which was approved on 6 December 1972. Pictured from left to right: Major General Kevin Vereen, 1LT Heather McFarlain, CSM John Foley.

Photo 8
COL Judy Boyd, Commander of the 13th Legal Operations Detachment-Expert, focuses on the trail ahead as she goes on to successfully (and safely) compete in the 2020 Maxxis Eastern States Cup Intense Downhill Race at Powder Ridge, Connecticut.

Photo 9
Congratulations to CPT Jules Szanton! Jules was recently sworn in as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney by the Western District of Kentucky U.S. Attorney Russell Coleman. With this special trust and responsibility, CPT Szanton will now exercise Article III jurisdiction over Soldiers, Civilians, and visitors on Fort Knox, assisting USACC and Fort Knox in furthering respect for and adherence to the rule of law.