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The Army Lawyer | Issue 3 2021PDF not available

News & Notes

News & Notes

2021 Issue 3

Judge advocates, including the Republic of Korea Judge Advocate General (BG Park) and staff from U.S. Forces Korea/Eighth Army/2d Infantry Division/19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command and the Republic of Korea Army came together at U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys for the Law Day 2021 Symposium. The event at the Morning Calm Center provided an ideal venue for lawyers and staff from the two armies to meet and discuss legal issues and topics that affect the Korean peninsula.

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The Army National Guard Trial Defense Service returned to in-person training with Defense Counsel/Paralegal 101 training in Tucson, Arizona.

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LTG Charles Pede, The Judge Advocate General, congratulated U.S. Recruiting Command’s newest captain, CPT Priscila Barron Sanchez, during her promotion ceremony. LTG Pede visited Fort Knox, KY, and its many commands as part of an Article 6 visit.

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On 6 May 2021, between 0030 and 0500, members of the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) legal team successfully completed the 18.6-mile Norwegian Foot March at Camp “Bull” Simons, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Despite high humidity and miles of thick mud due to recent storms, the Red Empire’s judge advocates and paralegals lived the 7th SFG(A) motto of “Lo Que Sea, Cuando Sea, Donde Sea” (“Anything, Anytime, Anywhere”) and finished well under the required 4.5-hour limit. Pictured from left to right are an exhausted SSG Harry Wagner, CPT Ellis Cortez, MAJ Brandon Bergmann, CPT Christina Johnson, MAJ Atina Stavropoulos, SGT(P) Andrew Pena, CPT Tolulope Akinsanya, and SGT Nathan Jones.

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Judge advocates, including the Republic of Korea Judge Advocate General (BG Park) and staff from U.S. Forces Korea/Eighth Army/2d Infantry Division/19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command and the Republic of Korea Army came together at U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys for the Law Day 2021 Symposium. The event at the Morning Calm Center provided an ideal venue for lawyers and staff from the two armies to meet and discuss legal issues and topics that affect the Korean peninsula.

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The Army National Guard Trial Defense Service returned to in-person training with Defense Counsel/Paralegal 101 training in Tucson, Arizona.

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LTG Charles Pede, The Judge Advocate General, congratulated U.S. Recruiting Command’s newest captain, CPT Priscila Barron Sanchez, during her promotion ceremony. LTG Pede visited Fort Knox, KY, and its many commands as part of an Article 6 visit.

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On 6 May 2021, between 0030 and 0500, members of the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) legal team successfully completed the 18.6-mile Norwegian Foot March at Camp “Bull” Simons, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Despite high humidity and miles of thick mud due to recent storms, the Red Empire’s judge advocates and paralegals lived the 7th SFG(A) motto of “Lo Que Sea, Cuando Sea, Donde Sea” (“Anything, Anytime, Anywhere”) and finished well under the required 4.5-hour limit. Pictured from left to right are an exhausted SSG Harry Wagner, CPT Ellis Cortez, MAJ Brandon Bergmann, CPT Christina Johnson, MAJ Atina Stavropoulos, SGT(P) Andrew Pena, CPT Tolulope Akinsanya, and SGT Nathan Jones.