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The Army Lawyer | Issue 4 2021PDF not available

News & Notes

News & Notes

2021 Issue 4

Members of the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO, completed the Colorado Springs Spartan Super, a 10-km obstacle course race. Pictured L to R: MAJ Jeremy Watford (Brigade Judge Advocate), CPT Ashley Jesser (Deputy Brigade Judge Advocate), SGT Matthew Pierce (2-1 CAV Paralegal), and SFC Kevin Creel (Brigade NCOIC).

Photo 1

On 12 June 2021, the 79th Theater Sustainment Command hosted a hybrid Article 6 event which included virtual and in-person attendees from the 311th, 451st, 364th, and 103d Expeditionary Sustainment Commands.

Photo 2

Fort Sill interns, a FLEP officer, and a cadet got out of the office and headed to the range for a live fire demonstration with Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, 428th Field Artillery Brigade, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Pictured from L to R: Mr. Henry Harder (intern), CPT Caitlin Anderson (FLEP), Mr. Peter Hess (intern), and CDT Emily Cavanaugh.

Photo 3

SGM Gail Drummond conducts rappel training at Fort Drum, NY.

Photo 4

Members of the North Carolina Army National Guard JAG Corps come together after an administrative separation board conducted during annual training at Fort Pickett, VA. Pictured from L to R: LTC Brian Blankenship, SPC John Moore, PFC Brian Zody, 1LT Chris Harrell, CPT Tom Murry, and MAJ Scott Somerset.

Photo 5

After months of field exercises, to include a National Training Center rotation, the legal office of the 3d Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, enjoys a night at the Colorado Springs Vibes Minor  League Baseball game. Back row pictured from L to R: CPT Chris Gill, CPT Mitch Bailey, MAJ Matthew Bryan, SPC Hwan Seok Oh, PFC Carden Arias. Front row pictured L to R: SPC Kimberly Ayala, SGT Acuzena Vigil, CPT Jori Jasper, CPT Kiara Martinez-Bentley, SSG Kristina Cosme, SPC Kimberly Varela.

Photo 6

Congratulations to SPC Marquise Johnson of the 7th Army Training Command OSJA for his BLC graduation. Pictured from L to R: SSG Sha’davia Newberry, SPC Marquis Johnson, and SGT Blake Howard.

Photo 7

Photo 1
Members of the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO, completed the Colorado Springs Spartan Super, a 10-km obstacle course race. Pictured L to R: MAJ Jeremy Watford (Brigade Judge Advocate), CPT Ashley Jesser (Deputy Brigade Judge Advocate), SGT Matthew Pierce (2-1 CAV Paralegal), and SFC Kevin Creel (Brigade NCOIC).

Photo 2
On 12 June 2021, the 79th Theater Sustainment Command hosted a hybrid Article 6 event which included virtual and in-person attendees from the 311th, 451st, 364th, and 103d Expeditionary Sustainment Commands.

Photo 3
Fort Sill interns, a FLEP officer, and a cadet got out of the office and headed to the range for a live fire demonstration with Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, 428th Field Artillery Brigade, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Pictured from L to R: Mr. Henry Harder (intern), CPT Caitlin Anderson (FLEP), Mr. Peter Hess (intern), and CDT Emily Cavanaugh.

Photo 4
SGM Gail Drummond conducts rappel training at Fort Drum, NY.

Photo 5
Members of the North Carolina Army National Guard JAG Corps come together after an administrative separation board conducted during annual training at Fort Pickett, VA. Pictured from L to R: LTC Brian Blankenship, SPC John Moore, PFC Brian Zody, 1LT Chris Harrell, CPT Tom Murry, and MAJ Scott Somerset.

Photo 6
After months of field exercises, to include a National Training Center rotation, the legal office of the 3d Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, enjoys a night at the Colorado Springs Vibes Minor League Baseball game. Back row pictured from L to R: CPT Chris Gill, CPT Mitch Bailey, MAJ Matthew Bryan, SPC Hwan Seok Oh, PFC Carden Arias. Front row pictured L to R: SPC Kimberly Ayala, SGT Acuzena Vigil, CPT Jori Jasper, CPT Kiara Martinez-Bentley, SSG Kristina Cosme, SPC Kimberly Varela.

Photo 7
Congratulations to SPC Marquise Johnson of the 7th Army Training Command OSJA for his BLC graduation. Pictured from L to R: SSG Sha’davia Newberry, SPC Marquis Johnson, and SGT Blake Howard.