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The Army Lawyer | Issue 1 2022

News & Notes

News & Notes

2022 Issue 4

On 10 November 2021, members of the 10th Mountain Division OSJA conducted the first annual “Gilmore Grinder.” The Gilmore Grinder is a “Hero Workout” designed by SFC Aaron Grubbs, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Regimental CSM Cornell Gilmore. On 7 November 2003, the JAG Corps lost CSM Gilmore and CW5 Sharon Swartworth when enemy fire erupted on their transport helicopter, killing them both, as well as the four other Service members on board. The Gilmore Grinder Hero Workout is dedicated to the six fallen Service members and consists of six different exercises meant to represent each of the fallen warriors. In May 2022, the OSJA hopes to create a similar workout in memory of CW5 Swartworth.

Photo 1

Military Justice paralegals at Fort Gordon, Georgia, working hard to complete all the panel nominations from across the installation and put it into a workable format to ensure efficiency in this aspect of the justice process. Left to right: SPC Jonathan Padios, SSG Taneshia Burley, SGT Aaron Diamond, PFC Tabius Monroe.

Photo 2

On 1 April 2021, V Corps OSJA at Fort Knox, Kentucky, coordinated and led a Health and Welfare Training for its organic batallion and assigned companies. The training model employed followed a format that sequentially Tested, Assessed, Taught/ Trained, Re-Tested, and Re-Assessed. In addtion to the OSJA personnel, personnel from the Military Working Dog Kennel Master, Military Police, Criminal Investi - gation Division, Cadet Command G4, and a host of other V Corps Command Teams and NCO Trainees contributed to this suc - cessful event. For the OPORD and CONOP template, and other training and execution guidance, please reach out to MSG Jerry White (

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196th OBC classmates, Kyle Hoffmann, 1st SFG(A), and Alex Hernandez, 3d SFG(A), graduate the Basic Airborne Course at Ft. Benning, Georgia.

Photo 4

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 USAR Legal Command Best Warrior Competition. SGT Michael Pulaski (3d LOD) was the NCO of the Year. SPC Hel - ena Bockstadter (6th LOD) was the Soldier of the Year. The other three USARLC BWC Competitors were SFC Benjamin McCallum (7th LOD), SPC Michael Cranston (3d LOD), and PFC Analycia Velazquez (78th LOD).

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On 17 March 2022, SGT Belia Martinez, Joint Base Lewis-McChord Legal Assistance NCOIC, re-enlisted on board a Blackhawk. CPT Linda Ramirez, Legal Assistance OIC, swore SGT Martinez to her re-enlistment oath. SGT Martinez will take the reins as the Special Victim Prosecutor NCO for JBLM, continuing to provide outstanding support to the JAG Corps mission.

Photo 6

Arizona Army National Guard JAG Corps after completing the Grenade Assault Course at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, as part of the Inaugural JAG Corps field train - ing exercise in March 2022. 1LT Jeremy Branch (back row, center) and SGT James Caryl (middle, second from right) were recognized as top officer and enlisted Sol - dier respectively.

Photo 7

Photo 1
On 10 November 2021, members of the 10th Mountain Division OSJA conducted the first annual “Gilmore Grinder.” The Gilmore Grinder is a “Hero Workout” designed by SFC Aaron Grubbs, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Regimental CSM Cornell Gilmore. On 7 November 2003, the JAG Corps lost CSM Gilmore and CW5 Sharon Swartworth when enemy fire erupted on their transport helicopter, killing them both, as well as the four other Service members on board. The Gilmore Grinder Hero Workout is dedicated to the six fallen Service members and consists of six different exercises meant to represent each of the fallen warriors. In May 2022, the OSJA hopes to create a similar workout in memory of CW5 Swartworth.

Photo 2
Military Justice paralegals at Fort Gordon, Georgia, working hard to complete all the panel nominations from across the installation and put it into a workable format to ensure efficiency in this aspect of the justice process. Left to right: SPC Jonathan Padios, SSG Taneshia Burley, SGT Aaron Diamond, PFC Tabius Monroe.

Photo 3
On 1 April 2021, V Corps OSJA at Fort Knox, Kentucky, coordinated and led a Health and Welfare Training for its organic batallion and assigned companies. The training model employed followed a format that sequentially Tested, Assessed, Taught/ Trained, Re-Tested, and Re-Assessed. In addtion to the OSJA personnel, personnel from the Military Working Dog Kennel Master, Military Police, Criminal Investi - gation Division, Cadet Command G4, and a host of other V Corps Command Teams and NCO Trainees contributed to this suc - cessful event. For the OPORD and CONOP template, and other training and execution guidance, please reach out to MSG Jerry White (

Photo 4
196th OBC classmates, Kyle Hoffmann, 1st SFG(A), and Alex Hernandez, 3d SFG(A), graduate the Basic Airborne Course at Ft. Benning, Georgia.

Photo 5
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 USAR Legal Command Best Warrior Competition. SGT Michael Pulaski (3d LOD) was the NCO of the Year. SPC Hel - ena Bockstadter (6th LOD) was the Soldier of the Year. The other three USARLC BWC Competitors were SFC Benjamin McCallum (7th LOD), SPC Michael Cranston (3d LOD), and PFC Analycia Velazquez (78th LOD).

Photo 6
On 17 March 2022, SGT Belia Martinez, Joint Base Lewis-McChord Legal Assistance NCOIC, re-enlisted on board a Blackhawk. CPT Linda Ramirez, Legal Assistance OIC, swore SGT Martinez to her re-enlistment oath. SGT Martinez will take the reins as the Special Victim Prosecutor NCO for JBLM, continuing to provide outstanding support to the JAG Corps mission.

Photo 7
Arizona Army National Guard JAG Corps after completing the Grenade Assault Course at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, as part of the Inaugural JAG Corps field train - ing exercise in March 2022. 1LT Jeremy Branch (back row, center) and SGT James Caryl (middle, second from right) were recognized as top officer and enlisted Sol - dier respectively.