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The Army Lawyer | Issue 3 2022PDF not available

News & Notes 2022 Issue 3

News & Notes

Issue 3

Photo 1LTG A.C. Roper, Deputy Commander, U.S. NORTHCOM, awarded the Joint Service Achievement Medal to SGT Demetrius C. Childress, a court reporter for U.S. Army Cadet Command, for his outstanding support as a court reporter and investigative support staff for a high-profile U.S. NORTHCOM investigation. In addition to supporting the deputy commander as the investigating officer, SGT Childress assisted the full investigating officer team of a BG, two COLs, a MAJ, and a CSM. SGT Childress’s contributions to the investigation included transcribing 35 witness interviews, totaling over 200 hours of recording, and more than 900 pages of transcription. SGT Childress traveled to multiple locations across the country in order to interview necessary witnesses.

Photo 2Jumpers, hit it! From left to right, MAJ Jayne Leemon, then-Special Victim Prosecutor; COL Sue McConnell, Staff Judge Advocate; and SGT Emma Larson, Special Victim Noncommissioned Officer, in front of the new HQ, 11th Airborne Division, and U.S. Army Alaska sign.

Photo 3CPT Kuhlman of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command in Germany joined his wife, Emanuela, at the Mozart 100 Ultra Marathon in Salzburg, Austria. The couple ran 65 miles over 14,000 feet of elevation in 20 hours and 25 minutes.

Photo 4Student Detachment Command Team, CPT Zara Scribner and 1SG Tiffany Diringer, along with G1 staff, SPC Musgraves, and 1SG Diringer’s twin sister, Tabitha Sturgill, working together to change weights out more efficiently.

Photo 5SPC Barber (left) and SGT Preston (right) of the 1st Brigade Combat Team Legal Shop conducted their first night jump in the 82d Airborne Division. “That was the most terrifying but awesome experi-ence ever!”- SGT Preston, a third-generation paratrooper. AATW!

Photo 6The 335th Signal Command (Theater) Office of the Staff Judge Advocate took the high ground during an Officer Professional Development/Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park (Kennesaw, GA). From left-to-right: 1LT John Travers; COL Paul Thompson (Staff Judge Advocate); LTC Chris Ellis (Deputy Staff Judge Advocate); SPC Brighton Zeutenhorst; MSG Antonelle Jones; SGT Alejandro Osorio; and CPT Derrick Hall (front). The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain witnessed desperate fighting and was a key engagement during the Atlanta Campaign of 1864.

Photo 7MAJ Louie Pejic received graduation honors at the Western Hemisphere Institute for National Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). WHINSEC conducted a year-long resident Command and General Staff Officer Course 2021-22 with a class of 66 officers from 13 nations of the Western Hemisphere, with all lecture and communication conducted in Spanish language. MAJ Pejic graduated with superior honors and was the only U.S. officer to prepare, publish, and defend a thesis for a degree of Master of Military Arts and Science, in addition to the Intermediate Level Education and Advanced Operations Course curriculum.