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The Army Lawyer | Issue 3 2023PDF not available

News & Notes 2023 Issue 3

News & Notes

2023 Issue 3

Eight Kentucky Army National Guard JAs
            completed the Basic Trial Advocacy Course
            at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The course,
            hosted by the Trial Counsel Assistance Pro
            gram (TCAP), marked the National Guard’s
            first training session at TCAP. (Credit: 1LT
            Kaitlin Baudendistel)

Photo 1

CPT Tommy Horne, a JA with the Missis
            sippi National Guard, receives the Military
            Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for
            his commitment to his local community
            at the Mississippi National Guard’s fourth
            regimental dinner in Ocean Springs, MS.
            The dinner highlighted a conference
            designed to keep JAs current on changes
            to military and civilian law. (Credit: CPL
            Justin Humphreys)

Photo 2

SGT Dylan Moser (center), a paralegal spe
            cialist with Headquarters Support Company,
            34th Red Bull Infantry Division, Minnesota
            National Guard, stands with members of the
            Minnesota National Guard’s legal team at the
            General John W. Vessey Readiness Center
            on 13 November 2023. SGT Moser recently
            graduated law school and passed the bar
            exam. (Credit: SSG Mahsima Alkamooneh)

Photo 3

220th Officer Basic Course. (Credit: Billie
            Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 4

U.S. Army Service members and Kuwait
            Forces service members pose for a group
            photo after the Task Force Spartan Kuwait
            Legal Symposium on 26 June 2023 in
            Kuwait. The Task Force Spartan Kuwait
            Legal Symposium provides an opportunity
            for partner nations to build relationships
            and learn how legal staff are incorporated
            into each country’s respective warfighting
            functions. (Credit: SPC Christian Cote).

Photo 5

COL Shawn Smith, Staff Judge Advocate,
            U.S. Army Central, visits MAJ Chen
            Shmallo-Mantzur, Israel Defense Forces,
            and LTC Mohammed Hussein Agele, Iraqi Armed Forces, during their graduation
            from the 71st Judge Advocate Graduate
            Course at The Judge Advocate General’s
            Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) in
            Charlottesville, VA, on 1 June 2023. COL
            Smith visited TJAGLCS to continue en
            gagement initiatives with the international
            students and build partnerships. (Credit:
            SGT Egypt Johnson)

Photo 6

COL Howard Matthews Jr., JA at U.S. Army
            Europe and Africa, gives remarks as the
            guest speaker at the Martin Luther King Jr.
            Day observance at Tiger Theater, Sembach
            Kaserne, Germany, on 16 January 2024.
            COL Matthews gave a detailed speech about
            the importance of MLK’s legacy and the
            impact he made. COL Matthews spoke about
            MLK’s ideals and how people must consis
            tently keep his values of change in mind if
            they want to see the change he envisioned
            for America. (Credit: SPC Samuel Signor)

Photo 7

Members of the Government Appellate
            Division team (JAs and 2L summer/ROTC
            Cadet interns) before the 248th JAG Corps
            Birthday 5K around the National Mall.
            (Credit: COL Christopher B. Burgess)

Photo 8

MAJ Mitchell Herniak (left), MAJ Robert
            Rodriguez (right), and Ms. Megan LeG
            resley (center) (Defense Appellate Division
            summer intern) prior to running the 248th
            JAG Corps Birthday 5K on 26 July 2023.
            (Credit: LTC Autumn R. Porter)

Photo 9

Mr. David Howlett, a Civilian environmen
            tal law attorney with the Environmental
            Law Division at Fort Belvoir, VA, and a
            DoD-recognized expert on the National
            Environmental Policy Act, provided a block
            of instruction on 24 July 2023 at the Air
            Force Basic Environmental Law Course at
            Maxwell AFB to a multi-Service audience
            composed of both Civilian and military
            environmental law practitioners. (Credit:
            LTC Michael J. Lovelace)

Photo 10

Photo 1
Eight Kentucky Army National Guard JAs completed the Basic Trial Advocacy Course at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The course, hosted by the Trial Counsel Assistance Pro - gram (TCAP), marked the National Guard’s first training session at TCAP. (Credit: 1LT Kaitlin Baudendistel)

Photo 2
CPT Tommy Horne, a JA with the Missis - sippi National Guard, receives the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for his commitment to his local community at the Mississippi National Guard’s fourth regimental dinner in Ocean Springs, MS. The dinner highlighted a conference designed to keep JAs current on changes to military and civilian law. (Credit: CPL Justin Humphreys)

Photo 3
SGT Dylan Moser (center), a paralegal spe - cialist with Headquarters Support Company, 34th Red Bull Infantry Division, Minnesota National Guard, stands with members of the Minnesota National Guard’s legal team at the General John W. Vessey Readiness Center on 13 November 2023. SGT Moser recently graduated law school and passed the bar exam. (Credit: SSG Mahsima Alkamooneh)

Photo 4
220th Officer Basic Course. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 5
U.S. Army Service members and Kuwait Forces service members pose for a group photo after the Task Force Spartan Kuwait Legal Symposium on 26 June 2023 in Kuwait. The Task Force Spartan Kuwait Legal Symposium provides an opportunity for partner nations to build relationships and learn how legal staff are incorporated into each country’s respective warfighting functions. (Credit: SPC Christian Cote).

Photo 6
COL Shawn Smith, Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Army Central, visits MAJ Chen Shmallo-Mantzur, Israel Defense Forces, and LTC Mohammed Hussein Agele, Iraqi Armed Forces, during their graduation from the 71st Judge Advocate Graduate Course at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) in Charlottesville, VA, on 1 June 2023. COL Smith visited TJAGLCS to continue en - gagement initiatives with the international students and build partnerships. (Credit: SGT Egypt Johnson)

Photo 7
COL Howard Matthews Jr., JA at U.S. Army Europe and Africa, gives remarks as the guest speaker at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance at Tiger Theater, Sembach Kaserne, Germany, on 16 January 2024. COL Matthews gave a detailed speech about the importance of MLK’s legacy and the impact he made. COL Matthews spoke about MLK’s ideals and how people must consis - tently keep his values of change in mind if they want to see the change he envisioned for America. (Credit: SPC Samuel Signor)

Photo 8
Members of the Government Appellate Division team (JAs and 2L summer/ROTC Cadet interns) before the 248th JAG Corps Birthday 5K around the National Mall. (Credit: COL Christopher B. Burgess)

Photo 9
MAJ Mitchell Herniak (left), MAJ Robert Rodriguez (right), and Ms. Megan LeG - resley (center) (Defense Appellate Division summer intern) prior to running the 248th JAG Corps Birthday 5K on 26 July 2023. (Credit: LTC Autumn R. Porter)

Photo 10
Mr. David Howlett, a Civilian environmen - tal law attorney with the Environmental Law Division at Fort Belvoir, VA, and a DoD-recognized expert on the National Environmental Policy Act, provided a block of instruction on 24 July 2023 at the Air Force Basic Environmental Law Course at Maxwell AFB to a multi-Service audience composed of both Civilian and military environmental law practitioners. (Credit: LTC Michael J. Lovelace)