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News & Notes

News & Notes

1. BG Berger Visits NTC
Brigadier General (BG) Joseph Berger, the Commander of the U.S Army Legal Services Agency, led a team of JAG Corps leaders on an Article 6 inspection to the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, to assess the legal office’s readiness and effectiveness in supporting the U.S. Army’s mission of training our Soldiers for conflict. During the Inspection the team enjoyed an early morning hike up Mount Blackie, led by Private First Class Custer-Jones, for physical training. The team then conducted an aerial orientation of “The Box” while Lieutenant Colonel Eric Husby briefed them on changes to the National Training Center’s direct action training scenarios, designed to make training more realistic to what our Soldiers face in combat. Upon their arrival at “Gilmore Gulch” the Fort Irwin Staff Judge Advocate, Lieutenant Colonel Phil Staten, led the dedication of a memorial to Chief Warrant Officer Five Sharon Swartworth, which was placed next to the previously dedicated memorial to Sergeant Major Cornell Gilmore, which overlooks the gulch. In addition to the inspection, BG Berger was able to recognize several members of the Fort Irwin Legal Office for their outstanding hard work and dedication to the Army Mission.

2. CSM Fassler Addresses Western Region Training
Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Fassler addressed Soldiers during the Western Region On-Site Legal Training 11 January 2019. The event was hosted by the 87th Legal Operations Detachment at Anchors Catering and Conference Center at Naval Base San Diego. United States Army Legal Command conducts mission command and control of legal forces across 104 cities in 43 states in the continental U.S., Puerto Rico, and Europe.

3. CW4 Carrol Gives Briefing During First Multi-Component Training
Chief Warrant Officer 4 James (Jim) Carroll, chair of the The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School’s Legal Administrator and Paralegal Studies Department, presented a brief on leadership at the U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command South Eastern Region On-Site Legal Training (OSLT) at Fort Benning, GA, Feb. 22. The OSLT was the first Army legal training event where Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard judge advocates and paralegals trained together.

4. Artic Wolves Legal Team Trains with Japanese Counterparts
The 1/25 SBCT “Arctic Wolves,” 25th Infantry Division brigade legal team took a tactical pause during their readiness rotation in February at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, to pose with a judge advocate from the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and the Senior Legal Observer Controller/Trainer (OC/T). Pictured here from left to right: Staff Sergeant Ian Chope, Major Daniel Curley, Lieutenant Colonel S. Takahashi, Captain Lindsey Brown, and Lieutenant Colonel Eric Husby.

5. Multi National Forces Judge Advocates (JA) participated in Exercise Cobra Gold 2019 in February
The exercise, in its 38th iteration, emphasizes coordination on civic action and demonstrates the commitment of the Kingdom of Thailand and the United States to our long-standing alliance, and promotes regional partnerships and security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. CPT Jonathan Patton, pictured third from right, a JA from 1-2 SBCT JBLM, Washington, participated in the exercise alongside JAs from South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

6. ACCA Oral Argument at Yale
Yale Law School hosted the Army Court of Criminal Appeals in January for an evening outreach argument in the case of U.S. v. Miller. The follow-on Q&A and reception with students was marked by a robust discussion about military justice.