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The Military Law Review serves as the premier academic journal for military legal scholarship, publishing articles that advance the practice of military law and contribute to its discourse by proposing changes to law, policy, and practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Since its inception in 1958 at The Judge Advocate General’s School, U.S. Army, in Charlottesville, Virginia, MLR has served as an academic journal that encourages a full and frank discussion of legislative, administrative, and judicial principles through a scholarly examination of the law and emerging legal precepts. In support of that mission, MLR publishes scholarly articles that are relevant to, and materially advance, the practice of law within the military.

The Military Law Review does not promulgate official policy. An article’s content is the sole responsibility of that article’s author, and the opinions and conclusions that are reflected in an article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, The Judge Advocate General’s Corps, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, or any other governmental or non-governmental agency.

The Military Law Review accepts manuscript submissions from military and civilian authors. Both a relevant subject matter expert and the MLR board of editors review any work submitted for publication. In determining whether to publish a work, the board considers the work in light of MLR’s mission and evaluates the work’s argument, research, and style.

No minimum or maximum length requirements exist, though generally, the MLR publishes pieces that are thirty pages or more when double spaced with 1-inch margins and 12-point font.

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the manuscript rather than by section.

Citation standards require a citation for every factual assertion throughout the piece.

Citations must conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020) and the Military Citation Guide (25th ed. 2022).

Submissions should provide biographical data for each author, including branch of service, duty title, present and prior positions or duty assignments, all degrees (with names of granting schools and years received), and previous publications.

If submitting a lecture or paper prepared in partial fulfillment of degree requirements, the author should include the date and place of delivery of the lecture or the date and source of the degree.

Submissions must be in Microsoft Word format and should be sent via email to the Editor, Military Law Review, at

Currently, MLR is not available in print form. It is published digitally and available online at

Cite MLR articles with the following format, which follows The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation:

Author Name(s), Article Title, [Volume Number] MIL. L. REV. [page number] (year).

Unless noted in an article’s title, all articles are works of the U.S. Government in which no copyright subsists. When copyright is indicated in the title, please contact the Military Law Review, for copyright clearance.