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The Army Lawyer | Issue 4 2021PDF not available
All Posts Blog: The Army Lawyer 2021 Issue 4

No. 4: Certain Principles Are Eternal

“Principled Counsel is professional advice on law and policy grounded in the Army Ethic and the enduring respect for the Rule of Law, effectively communicated with appropriate candor and moral courage, that influences informed decisions.” Although this particular definition is new to our Corps, principled counsel has been at the heart of our legal practice throughout our nation’s history.

No. 3: Cross-Examining Convention

This article is intended to do one thing: encourage the military justice community of practice to grapple with the arguments typically made when justifying the value and utility of commanders as court-martial convening authorities. To do that, this article uses the same simple method I have employed in a class I teach to West Point cadets.