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The Army Lawyer | Issue 1 2024PDF not available

News & Notes

News & Notes

2024 Issue 1

PFC Jashonique Greenaway, a paralegal specialist assigned to the 436th Movement Control Battalion, decorates cookies during a community holiday event at a local school in Witkowo, Poland, on 11 December 2023. (Credit: SPC Elsi Delgado)

Photo 1

Students of the 72d Graduate Course pose before the Supreme Court building after their swearing in ceremony on 5 January 2024. (Credit: MAJ Johnathan L. Kopecky)

Photo 2

1LT Ethan Savage (standing, left), student in the 223d Officer Basic Course, hands exhibits to SSG Robert Zupa (seated, right), student in the 76th Basic Court Report Course, while participating in the U.S. v. Archer mock trial. The event included a mock guilty plea, military providence inquiry, and contested court-martial. (Credit: SSG Catherine Taylor)

Photo 3

SGT Steven Arriola (center), a paralegal with HHC, U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Irwin, CA, poses with his company commander (left) and first sergeant (right) after earning the prestigious Expert Soldier Badge on 20 October 2023. (Credit: SSG Elizabeth Bryson)

Photo 4

The judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces prepare to take the bench for the admissions ceremony of the 72d Graduate Course. From left to right: Judge Liam P. Hardy, Judge John E. Sparks, Chief Judge Kevin A. Ohlson, Judge Gregory E. Maggs, Judge M. Tia Johnson. (Credit: Lanell A. Best)

Photo 5

PVT Alexander Dickson (left), a small arms/towed artillery repairer taking part in the U.S. Army’s Hometown Recruiter Assistant Program at the Lacey Recruiting Station in Lacey, WA, discusses his duties with his father, SFC Nathan Dickson (right), a paralegal NCO assigned to HHC, 189th Infantry Brigade, First Army Divi - sion West on 30 November 2023. (Credit: SFC Scott J. Evans)

Photo 6

U.S. Army Reserve CPT John Cooper, a judge advocate assigned to the Military Intelligence Readiness Command, doffs his uniform in the pool during a German Armed Forces Badge event that the Defense Attaché staff of the Federal Republic of Germany officiated and the 3d Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) hosted on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA. The German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge is a German military award similar to the U.S. Army’s Expert Soldier Badge and consists of knowledge and skills-based tasks, a physical fitness test, pistol marksmanship, a swim event, and a ruck march. (Credit: MAJ Joshua Frye)

Photo 7

BG Alison C. Martin (right) meets with members of the Japanese delegation during their visit to The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School in Charlottesville, VA, on 15 February 2024. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 8

221st Officer Basic Course. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 9

2024 Judge Advocate Officer Advanced Course. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 10

222d Officer Basic Course. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 11

Members of various Offices of the Staff Judge Advocate that fall under First Army gather for a summit at the First Army headquarters on Rock Island Arsenal, IL. (Credit: Warren Marlow)

Photo 12

Photo 1
PFC Jashonique Greenaway, a paralegal specialist assigned to the 436th Movement Control Battalion, decorates cookies during a community holiday event at a local school in Witkowo, Poland, on 11 December 2023. (Credit: SPC Elsi Delgado)

Photo 2
Students of the 72d Graduate Course pose before the Supreme Court building after their swearing in ceremony on 5 January 2024. (Credit: MAJ Johnathan L. Kopecky)

Photo 3
1LT Ethan Savage (standing, left), student in the 223d Officer Basic Course, hands exhibits to SSG Robert Zupa (seated, right), student in the 76th Basic Court Report Course, while participating in the U.S. v. Archer mock trial. The event included a mock guilty plea, military providence inquiry, and contested court-martial. (Credit: SSG Catherine Taylor)

Photo 4
SGT Steven Arriola (center), a paralegal with HHC, U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Irwin, CA, poses with his company commander (left) and first sergeant (right) after earning the prestigious Expert Soldier Badge on 20 October 2023. (Credit: SSG Elizabeth Bryson)

Photo 5
The judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces prepare to take the bench for the admissions ceremony of the 72d Graduate Course. From left to right: Judge Liam P. Hardy, Judge John E. Sparks, Chief Judge Kevin A. Ohlson, Judge Gregory E. Maggs, Judge M. Tia Johnson. (Credit: Lanell A. Best)

Photo 6
PVT Alexander Dickson (left), a small arms/towed artillery repairer taking part in the U.S. Army’s Hometown Recruiter Assistant Program at the Lacey Recruiting Station in Lacey, WA, discusses his duties with his father, SFC Nathan Dickson (right), a paralegal NCO assigned to HHC, 189th Infantry Brigade, First Army Division West on 30 November 2023. (Credit: SFC Scott J. Evans)

Photo 7
U.S. Army Reserve CPT John Cooper, a judge advocate assigned to the Military Intelligence Readiness Command, doffs his uniform in the pool during a German Armed Forces Badge event that the Defense Attaché staff of the Federal Republic of Germany officiated and the 3d Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) hosted on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, VA. The German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge is a German military award similar to the U.S. Army’s Expert Soldier Badge and consists of knowledge and skills-based tasks, a physical fitness test, pistol marksmanship, a swim event, and a ruck march. (Credit: MAJ Joshua Frye)

Photo 8
BG Alison C. Martin (right) meets with members of the Japanese delegation during their visit to The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School in Charlottesville, VA, on 15 February 2024. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 9
221st Officer Basic Course. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 10
2024 Judge Advocate Officer Advanced Course. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 11
222d Officer Basic Course. (Credit: Billie Suttles, TJAGLCS)

Photo 12
Members of various Offices of the Staff Judge Advocate that fall under First Army gather for a summit at the First Army headquarters on Rock Island Arsenal, IL. (Credit: Warren Marlow)