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Court Is Assembled: Military Justice’s New Blueprint

In April 2019, we announced what we consider a watershed moment in military justice. We directed the redesign of our military justice support around the world. We believe this will dramatically improve the delivery of legal advice, command support, and trial expertise. Our predicate for this decision was our Pilot Program and the recommendations of the Board of Directors. As we enter the implementation phase, we want to highlight our expectations of you.

News & Notes: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the MJA of 1968

On 3 August 2019, The Judge Advocate General (TJAG), Lieutenant General (LTG) Charles N. Pede, co-hosted, along with the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, the service TJAGs, and the Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, a dinner commemorating the 50th anniversary of the enactment of the Military Justice Act of 1968. What follows is an excerpt from LTG Pede’s remarks.

RAJA Visits Vegas

When your Army career is over and the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps is a fond memory, what do you miss the most? Ask your former judge advocate friends that question, and you will hear many different answers. Some will tell you they miss serving our country, some miss meaningful military missions, some miss the varied legal work, and some long for travel and adventure. But almost everyone will tell you, “the people.” Most will say what they miss most are Soldiers and their Families, and the special bonds and good times forged by common experiences and challenging situations.

49th Staff Judge Advocate Course Wrap-Up

Leadership and taking care of your people—those were the two consistent themes permeating the 49th Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) Course held at The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS) in June. The content of each day of the week-long course focused on a specific developmental area for rising SJAs and Deputy Staff Judge Advocates (DSJAs). This article provides highlights from the week.

WRITECOM: Next-Level PowerPoint Presentations

It has been said that human beings innately fear two things—snakes and speaking in public. I am not sure whether that is true or not, but it certainly feels true. The dry mouth, the rush of adrenaline—it happens to even the very best of speakers. Nonetheless, a sure way to calm those public speaking nerves is to show up prepared and practiced.

Creek on a Leash: A Primer on the Clean Water Act’s Section 404

You are the Chief of Administrative Law at Fort Blackacre, an expansive installation located thirty miles from the Mississippi River. In recent years Fort Blackacre has undergone a series of major construction projects in an effort to modernize the installation and restore it as one of the preeminent military training sites in the United States. Although you are new to the installation, you are aware of the modernization initiatives and look forward to making your own contributions to its success.