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The Army Lawyer | Issue 4 2022PDF not available

Court Is Assembled: Army Futures Command

When the Army established Army Futures Command (AFC) in 2018, it was the first new four-star command since the establishment of Forces Command (FORSCOM) and Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) in 1973.

What’s It Like? Mastery of Cyber Law

You have just begun an assignment as a cyber law attorney with no experience in the field. Bombarded with new terminology, to include a volume of acronyms, your trepidation propels you into a spiral of confusion over all the nuances of cyberspace.

Book Review: The Power of Geography

Are you a judge advocate (JA) or legal advisor (LEGAD) searching for a fascinating read that finally lifts your tactical/ operational focus to a larger, strategic perspective? Look no further. With The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World, you have the chance to step out of your foxhole as a legal subject matter expert and instantly broaden your comprehension. 

Practice Notes: A Modernizing Posse Comitatus Doctrine

Imagine that the head of an understaffed civilian law enforcement agency from the city just outside your active-duty installation approaches the garrison commander—whom you advise—and requests that the agency and the installation’s military police work together to fight crime in the local city.