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The Army Lawyer | Issue 4 2022View PDF
All Posts Author: Hannah Zeigler

Court Is Assembled: Army Futures Command

When the Army established Army Futures Command (AFC) in 2018, it was the first new four-star command since the establishment of Forces Command (FORSCOM) and Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) in 1973.

Recruiting at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Field Screening Officer Perspective

The Army Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps is in a war for talent; the future of the JAG Corps rests squarely in our collective hands.2 Recruiting, especially in today’s competitive and fast-paced environment, is about building relationships. Field screening officers (FSOs) play a vital role in identifying and recruiting high-quality applicants from diverse populations.

What’s It Like? Mastery of Cyber Law

You have just begun an assignment as a cyber law attorney with no experience in the field. Bombarded with new terminology, to include a volume of acronyms, your trepidation propels you into a spiral of confusion over all the nuances of cyberspace.

Book Review: The Power of Geography

Are you a judge advocate (JA) or legal advisor (LEGAD) searching for a fascinating read that finally lifts your tactical/ operational focus to a larger, strategic perspective? Look no further. With The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World, you have the chance to step out of your foxhole as a legal subject matter expert and instantly broaden your comprehension.